Paper Moon (2023)

The music of Manos Hadjidakis has a special quality that is found in the works of great composers and also in traditional music: of great precision, yet without complexity.

Even if aspects of harmony, counterpoint and instrumentation play a major role in the final result, the beautiful melodies speak for themselves.

During the realisation of this project I faced several problems and asked myself many questions. Avoiding easy solutions,

I have been guided by a strong feeling of responsibility and respect towards the music of Manos Hadjidakis, the memory and heritage of Roland Dyens and the trust and talent of Elena Papandreou. It has been a wonderful adventure for which I am most grateful.


Blues for a woodpecker (2018)

Everything begins from nothing. And suddenly, an idea dawns. An imperceptible crack, a liberating opening, through which necessity finds a way out.

The torrent-like necessity for expression, for communication.

This record is the result of a long process, that can be arduous and dark at times, or happy and playful.

Through curiosity, trial, failure, persistence, I tried to capture—within the limits of my ability— the way I envision things, today: how I am scared, how I get angry, what I believe in, how I love. It is a great honour and a great joy for me to share all this with you.


Songs for a blue cloud (2017)

It is around a blues that Oreste and Cybèle met. A blues by JB Lenoir, a bluesman from Mississippi.

For two Greeks living in Paris, it was quite spicy! From this meeting was born Songs for a Blue Cloud, a concert of poetic, grating and loving songs, interpreted in five languages.

Both endowed with impeccable references in very different universes ranging from theater to song, from jazz to the world of contemporary music, Cybèle Castoriadis and Orestis Kalampalikis explore a repertoire mixing their common love of music and words.

They propose arrangements out of the ordinary, which reveal under a new light the very essence of the songs they interpret. Gainsbourg rubs shoulders with traditional Greek song and 60's Mexico with 30's Germany.

Their project, which mixes standards and small treasures forgotten in a corner of the memory, is like them: poetic, surprising, complicit and... polyglot!